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SMART PMS Functional Description

Product Functional Description

SMART PMS Functional Description

SMART Performance Management System application for Strategic and Annual Plan Development and Management in the Public Sector.

GEN2 Enterprise Services, unique and ground-breaking SMART Performance Management
System (hereinafter SMART PMS) application addresses many other challenges observed
over the past 20 years, in both government and public entity strategic planning cycles.
The SMART Performance Management System was developed by a team of public sector planning
experts, whose combined public sector experience of over 50 years has addressed all
government performance management requirements to date.

SMART PMS help understands and apply the government’s planning framework stipulations,
which include the Theory of Change, the Logic Model / Logic Framework, Balanced
Scorecards and Management by Objectives [MBO]. The current emphasis placed Activity
Based Costing [ABC] during the planning and budgeting process, due to the severe austerity
measures being imposed by government across all classes of expenditure is also
accommodated. The ABC approach is in line with the National Treasury’s initiative to conduct
performance expenditure reviews within government departments and public entities where
service delivery performance vs. expenditure issues have arisen.

The SMART PMS application addresses these challenges and overcomes long, involved and
complicated interactions with consultants facilitating the strategic planning process, being aptly
named the SMART Performance Management System.

The SMART PMS guides the strategic planning process that includes 5-Year and Annual Plan
development, through a series of templates that conform to all government standards and
legislative / regulatory requirements. The SMART PMS’s templates enable the strategic
planning process to be easily managed by planning, and monitoring and evaluation personnel.
If needed, expert strategic planning guidance and support is available for customisation,
utilisation and adoption of the software.

The SMART PMS software is widely available to government, along with mentoring and
coaching support should enable government entities to be far less dependent of consultants
during the entire planning cycle, whilst still ensuring compliance.
The SMART PMS software is a web-based end-to-end performance management application
encompassing the entire planning, monitoring & evaluation and reporting cycle for all spheres
of government, including national, provincial, municipal and related entities.

SMART PMS software meets all of the performance management standards set by the
Presidency’s Department of Monitoring and Evaluation to ensure valued service delivery. The
software also complies with the requirements set by the Auditor-General to ensure the integrity
of reported strategic performance information, as well as future reporting improvements.

Finally, and most importantly, the software complies with National Treasury’s requirements to
ensure that allocated budgets deliver optimal performance for a well-run government.

The SMART PMS’s results-based approach reaffirms the principles of accountability,
ownership and inclusiveness via the strongly advocated logic model framework. In addition,
the linked organisational strategic planning and performance cycle couples with human
resources management and performance cycles through performance agreements,
workplans, personal development plans and quarterly and annual performance assessments.
The risks of not effectively implementing a 5-Year Strategic or Annual Plan can also be
managed by the SMART PMS software. Such risks can be timeously mitigated using SMART
PMS's templates to generate quarterly risk reports.

SMART PMS enables meaningful indicators to be developed, that are S-M-A-R-T (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) to drive performance, to ensure
sustainable performance, rather than selecting measures and targets that are easy to achieve
for the sake of compliance. The SMART PMS software addresses the development of
performance indicators that matter in achieving the long-term sustainability of each and every
public sector organisation.

The solution contains important features relevant to each of the stages in the annual planning
▪ Automated Publication of Planning Documents - SMART PMS has the ability to generate all types of strategic planning documents, in line with the stipulated frameworks required by the Government’s National / Provincial and Public Entities, as well as Local Government (e.g., Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plans, Integrated Development Plans, Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plans,
and all Operational Plans).
▪ Staffing Responsibility, Allocation and Switching - Easy assignment of responsibilities to senior staff responsible for the achievement of impacts, outcomes and outputs. The change of responsibilities through transfers / promotions or new hires is easily managed, while keeping data reported in previous quarters by different staff members separate and intact.
▪ Cross-cutting Activities - Activities completed in one strategic project often contribute to the completion of outputs for another project. SMART PMS software effectively manages these interdependencies and allows the progress of activities to be reported across all projects.
▪ Dynamic Institutional Organisational Structures - Institutional structures can be modified on a quarterly basis without affecting the previous quarter’s reports, ensuring reports stay relevant and appropriate.

▪ Export Performance Data to PDF or Excel - SMART PMS enables formatted and accurate information to be accessed for monitoring and evaluation at the click of a button and the subsequent export into documents, printing or presentations.
▪ Monitoring and the Built-in Self Audit Process - SMART PMS’s functionality is fully supportive of all information required by both internal and external auditors to ensure a clean audit.
▪ Performance Evaluations - The evaluation functionality within SMART PMS allows for monitoring and evaluation to review information to ensure accuracy and completeness before reporting.
▪ Performance Data Visualisation - SMART PMS software enables evaluated data to be visually portrayed in a number of formats for reporting and presentation.
▪ Performance Information / Portfolios of Evidence [POE] – The software provides for on-line uploading of Portfolios of Evidence for audit purposes.

▪ Integrated Employee Performance Management - Integrated employee performance and organisational performance is linked through employee workplans, personnel scorecards and performance assessments.
▪ Strategic Project Management - Project management functionality includes the linking of budget and expenditure to outputs and outcomes, thereby enabling the cost-of-service delivery to be quantified and improved upon.

▪ Strategic Risk Assessment and Reporting - Provides for the reporting on strategic and operational risks that impact the implementation of strategic objectives and the attainment of targets.

▪ Customisable Real-Time Performance Reports - Reports can be self-tailored according to the requirements of the institution, including all performance information that needs to be highlighted at month-end for management action or any time an interim report is required.
▪ Multiple Reporting Periods - SMART PMS software supports monthly / quarterly / mid-year and annual reporting cycles and allows organisations to choose the level of detail that is most applicable to their specific needs.
▪ Multi-Level Reporting - Staff acting in multiple positions can report performance information across all areas of responsibility.
▪ Multiple Approval Levels for Reports - SMART PMS allows for multiple levels of approval to verify the accuracy of operational data submitted. As soon as performance data is captured, it is instantly available to be reviewed, queried, rejected or approved.

▪ Web-based Application - SMART PMS operates on a web-based portal that is easily accessible from any computer or mobile device with a stable internet connection. No specialised hardware is required, thus keeping infrastructure costs low.
▪ Configurable “look and feel” with entities’ branding - the SMART PMS application can be configured to reflect an entity’s branding, including on all generated documentation.
▪ Information Security - all data is secured and backed up at predetermined intervals.
▪ Secure Access - Password controlled access and information access restriction levels use a single-user login account.

▪ User Training - Super User and User Training and SMART PMS Support Guidelines are included.
▪ Executive Orientation Briefings - Executive and Senior Management / Board and Stakeholder Training on SMART PMS’s reporting functionality is provided.
▪ Platform Configuration - Configuration of the SMART PMS platform with client branding during training is provided.
▪ Call Centre Support - Support during working hours, with emergency after-hours support is provided.
▪ Guidance and Support - Software enabled strategic planning process guidance for planning managers is offered.

For further information or to set up a demonstration of SMART PMS software, contact:
Bruce Moepye at at GEN2 Enterprise Services Pty Ltd
or by mobile on 079 693 8191, OR Diederik Jordaan at or by Mobile
on 083 600 0505.

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